Project Management
Detailed Planning
Project success hinges on three vital elements — a predictable and repeatable process, an experienced Operations team, and a detailed plan for the scope of the work. Void of any of these three, project success is in jeopardy. RTI Upstream's Operations team consists of experienced asset operators that are experts in developing MOC-level plans. These plans include detailed overview drawings (PFDs of the cleaning scope), a full mechanical needs list identifying all necessary connection points, and a detailed step-by-step procedure for executing the cleaning process.
Project Execution OversiGHt
RTI Upstream employs a team of highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Most Operations team members come with multiple years of experience operating assets across different regions. Lead planners that developed the detailed planning packets will also serve as the primary leads (day and night) for the execution phase of the project. They will, in turn, be supported by other experienced members of our Operations team as necessary to achieve the desired timeline. Because of our teams' ability to understand normal operating conditions, they have the ability to overcome constraints and ensure that adverse conditions do not impact the outcome of the project.
Waste Management
As with any decontamination process, waste generation is a byproduct of the Ready for Maintenance process that must be planned for and managed. Every asset has a different construction and different potential constraints when faced with effluent and waste management. RTI Upstream will tailor a waste management solution for your project as it relates to your specific asset.